Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is an Imus return appropriate?

Last year following the NCAA women's basketball championship game, nationally syndicated radio-host and media member Don Imus shocked the nation after making what many perceived as racist and misogynistic. He was immediately pulled off the air and since has not hosted a radio show.

However, six months later it is beginning to look like Don Imus may be back on the air entertaining thousands of people across the country. There are rumors that Imus may be given a nationally syndicated talk-show over one of the satellite radio stations.

These rumors are beginning to spark controversy across the country. Some people believe that Imus' comments were so inappropriate and foul that he should never be allowed into the public limelight again. These people also believe that because he is a member of the media he should be held to a higher standard because many people would be depending on him to bring them their news. However, others see that he did apologize for what he said and if a network is willing to risk their name by broadcasting his show then let them.

I completely agree with the second opinion. I believe that what Don Imus said was wrong, but then again, it was his job to be edgey and controversial with his comedy. He crossed the line, and once he realized that, immediately apologized. Too many times, people make an accident in the public eye and are forever condemned because of this. We need to look at ourselves and ask if we have ever done anything that we regretted and how it felt if people would have denied us that. Don Imus is a human being, just like anyone of us.



Rachel Bushner said...

I think that Imus needs to be punished for the harm criticism he directed at a group of sports players. I think that he should not be allowed back on the radio but if he does, at least it is satellite radio. This way not everybody has to hear from him and many people are not subscribers of satellite radio so they do not have to hear his critiques.

Abbi said...

I believe that Don Imus should be banned from radio. To me Imus is a journalist and he should be held to those standards. Its not like he is a young journalist unaware of the ethical responsibilities of what he says. He knew what he said was wrong and he waited until the Rutgers team took a stand to even apologize. Its not about being edgy its about overstepping boundaries.

Missy said...

I agree in that he should not be bained for life from the radio. He made a very big mistake in saying such a hurtful and unneccessary remark but I believ with all the reciprocations that have happened and how the nation handled his controversy will have taught him to never make that mistake again. I am also not so sure that he will do well on his broadcast. Many people may still be angry and have no want to listen to him and help his success. it will be interesting to see how his broadcast comes across and what his ratings will be. I believe he should be given this chance but if he even gets close to making anotehr remark that is even the slight bit offensive he should be officially off the air and never be invited back.

Missy said...

I agree in that he should not be bained for life from the radio. He made a very big mistake in saying such a hurtful and unneccessary remark but I believ with all the reciprocations that have happened and how the nation handled his controversy will have taught him to never make that mistake again. I am also not so sure that he will do well on his broadcast. Many people may still be angry and have no want to listen to him and help his success. it will be interesting to see how his broadcast comes across and what his ratings will be. I believe he should be given this chance but if he even gets close to making anotehr remark that is even the slight bit offensive he should be officially off the air and never be invited back.