Wednesday, September 26, 2007

University Fences In a Berkeley Protest, and a New One Arises

By: Andrea Richardson

The controversy at the UC Berkley campus is going on between protesting tree lovers and the university. Since December people have been living in the trees on the school campus to protest against the university who wants to cut down the trees to build a $125 million athletic center. The university built a fence around the trees in August, that cut off the tree dwellers from supllies. The university is doing everything they can to get the people out of the trees, including getting a court order and involving police. Michael Kelly, one of the protesters against the buliding of the stadium said, "I am appalled. I cannot believe that the institution that gave birth to the Free Speech Movement had done this."
I believe that they can come up with some sort of compromise. If the best spot fot the athletic center truly is where the trees are, then many the university can agree to plant the same amount of trees elsewhere on the campus. Whatever happens, I'm sure the tree dwellers probably want to get down sometime soon to take showers.


Katie said...

I think that UC Berkley needs to take a close look at what they are doing here. This is a prestigious instution and they need to be promoting ways to keep California "Green".

On the othe hand, playing devils advocate, there are many other ways for students to get their point across to the university. Writing a letter or several, will most of the time, create a greater buzz then sitting in a tree. These students can not be in good health, and they also need to think of more proactive ways to object to the new sports center.

Missy said...

I think this is an interesting story! I think this would also only happen in Berkeley. There is also a time to protest and an appropriate way to protest. I do not believe that living in trees is accomplishing anything other than just being uncomfortable. I hope though, on the other hand, that those on campus will realize that these people really do care about keeping the trees and consider building the facility elsewhere. There should be a happy meduim somewhere!