Monday, September 17, 2007

Ethics of News: Tuesday September 18

University, Professor named in lawsuit

The State Hornet

By: Hillary Geiger: September 18, 2007

This story is about the lawsuit filed by Judy Aguilar against Professor Wilfrido Corral and the University. Aguilar claims to have been sexually harassed by Corral beginning in the fall of 2005. Aguilar also claims that the California State University Board of Trustees did not take action to prevent this harassment. This is not the only time this has happened. Another student came forward and claimed to have been asked out several times by Corral in March of 2006. If found guilty, Corral will receive a punishment ranging from a counseling memo to a dismissal.
Corral went against University policy. I can feel no remorse for him on the media attention he has received. This incident should not have even occurred in the first place. Not only did Corral go against simple ethics, but he created an unsafe environment for students. It strictly states in the California State University, Sacramento Policy on Sexual Harassment that professors cannot date or engage in sexual affairs with students who are enrolled in their classes. I do not feel that the paper broke ethical rules. The point is that a well known professor broke a vital ethical rule. Those who have all the power use it on those who have none in the situation. That is unethical.


Abbi said...

This is getting to be a constant problem. When teachers and professors use there power to take advantage of their students. Although college students are adults its unethical for professor to date..not only does it put the professor in the position of having a sexual harassment charges brought against him but it creates an unsafe enviroment for his students. If he did do the deed I think that counseling is going to easy on him. He not only broke the law but he also made a mockery of his profession.

Frankie said...

I agree that teachers are abusing the policy, but not all. Many of them use the title as a easy way to get to certain areas that they would not really have easy access to before. I can understand going after a teacher doing this, but it would look even worse in a high school situation than in a college situation. It is though the same thing, a teacher having or trying to have a relationship with one of his students. Sometimes teachers or any one with a profession get let off easily on the first time around. Probably because most are not thinking that a teacher like him would do such a thing. The only thing is, what if the student is willingly wanting to pursue a relationship with there professor? Is that still going to go down as sexual harassment and then loosing there job? We just do not know these days, and it is sick to know teachers are using this and taking advantage of it.

Jour prof said...

Ethics blogs need to debate an issue concerning the media, not what was published in the media. In this case, was there an ethical issue with publishing the story, any of the sources? How it was covered? If not, another ethical dilemma concerning the media needs to be posted for debate.